When you look at getting your finances into place the hardest part is knowing where to start. The first step is to get everything organised. Everyone can benefit from budgeting from Uni Students like our admin assistance Scott to Small business owners like Zac. To start your budget you will need the following:
Once you have all these items on hand you can get started to setting your budget. Our friendly team of accountants can sit down with you at your home from Tocumwal, Cobram, Yarrawonga & Albury. Accounting & budgets is what we do best. We are your True Xero partner using industry applications we will get you on the path to financial freedom. Zac the accountant in Albury recommends selecting one day out of the month (weekly if your really good), and allocate at least one hour toward your budget with drinks — and “make it as fun a possible, adding wine and pumping the tunes can really change your head-space when you get budgeting”.
ASICs budget planner is a fantastic resource to setting up your first household budget. It allows you to see at a glance where your money is being spent and where any shortfalls lie. A limit will create a financial summary for you to view once completed. It also creates a handy excel document which you can tailor to your own budgeting needs.
Setting a limit is one thing but sticking to it is another. Those with a good handle on their household spending limit, refer to it weekly, if not even daily to ensure they are on track.
If you find you are still working pay cheque to pay cheque, assess your spending habits and where changes might be needed. If your savings are not climbing, repeat the above point. Simple changes go a long way. It is amazing how switching takeaway lunches to homemade can save you.
Working with a limit that correlates with your pay structure is the best way to ensure you are living within your means. If you get paid fortnightly, work on a fortnightly budget.
There are now many finance apps that can help you track your finances. For savings and dabbling in shares you cant look past Accorns which is 21st century piggy bank with shares & for monitoring spending ASICs TrackMySPEND. Having these apps at your fingertips allow you to have more control over your finances and spending than ever before.
The team at HA Accounting are you local Tocumwal Accounting firm and are happy to help you organise your budget. We have the knowledge, skills and experience of budgeting and current tech savvy apps.
Call Zac in our Albury & Laura in Tocumwal today on 03 9088 0776 to get started.
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